Contact the Parish Representatives

Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church knows that a thriving community is an engaged community. Therefore, we want to hear from you! Please feel free to utilize the contact information below to ask questions or get involved in any manner you wish. We will make every effort to respond to you within a reasonable amount of time, though please be aware that the number of inquiries received will affect response time. We do recommend using email rather than calling the church if there is an appropriate selection below.

Parish Office Phone Calls: 352-527-0766

Email Contacts (The following people/services have church email accounts)

Father George Ioannou: 

Mrs. Geraldine Jones (Parish Council President): 

Dr. Gloria Frank (Parish Council Secretary):

Mrs. Mary Ladas (Parish Council Treasurer):

Fundraising Services (From the community- fundraising, online advertising, and website changes) 

Stewardship Services: 





Additional Services


  • Do you need help with Koliva for a Memorial Service? Fill out Koliva Form , follow the instructions, and our Philoptochos Society will make it for you. 
  • Do you want more information, or to join our mailing list? Just email our Parish Council Secretary at and give her your name, address, and phone number and tell her what you would like. 
  • Are you interested in scheduling a special service that requires the use of our Church and the services of Father George? Start by emailing our Parish Council President, Geraldine Jones, at , or call 352-527-0766 to request contact with her.
  • *Note to Festival Vendors- If you need information or access to the vendor form, please note that a new form is coming soon. Meanwhile, you can contact Mary Ladas at 


Website Corrections/Additions

Our website is intended to be dynamic and helpful, so it will change content as needed to be relevant and/or feature items that are pertinent to that month or season. The site webmaster can be reached by emailing 

Corrections, suggestions, and pictures are welcome, but please understand that updates will occur monthly and not all input will be utilized.


Whether you wish to join the church, find a volunteer opportunity, or just learn more, we are ready to assist you.